Tuesday, May 17, 2022

05/17/2022 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

On their first stop there weren't any seals but they did find the boobie. They got a good look at the boobie who might have a wing problem. He can fly, does dive in the water, but the left wing has feathers facing opposite direction.  Along with the boobie they met a big beautiful dog. 

At another west side location they found RM31 Kai. He was snoozing
on lower rocks and alone.

After not much luck at other areas they returned to check on RM31 who was still there. Now he was getting hit with waves from the high tide.  With Kai was RP84 Pe'ekai on lower rock. Pe'ekai got hit by the waves, rolled about and find his way to his sand patch, then went to sleep. Little Kai RM31 stuck it out on the rocks.
To the right was RL70 Leina at water front rocks.  She too was getting hit by the big waves. She rolled about then galumphed to higher rocks.
Then they spotted an adult seal on high rocks,  he too got hit by waves. It was R3CX Nalu who moved up to higher rocks. They're happy he's back on this side.

Last stop they spotted a little green seal, it was RP30 Puka. He was way inland because of the high surf. He's looking green, wonder if he'll molt soon and if he'll stay around.

RM31 Kai
RL70 Leina
Pe'ekai RP84
Nalu R3CX
RP30 Puka

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