Monday, May 16, 2022

05/16/2022 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Team R&B started out later than usual. Their first sighting was RM31 Kai on the rocks. He was alone today and just chilling in the sunshine.
They spotted RL20 out in the water foraging, so far out they couldn't get a good photo.
In addition they saw a boobie in the bait call, but appeared to have a problem with one of its wings. Part of it was sticking out where it shouldn't be. He would land in the water and was flying low.
They also saw African Silver bills huddled together. ( I had never heard nor saw these cuties)

Next stop they found the boys together, RH32 Kaale and RL08.  They were laying next to each other Kaale being the big fat one. RL08 has a cyst and it still hasn't ruptured.

At the end of their day they found RP30 Puka alone on the rocks at a west side location.  Looks like Lei Ola took off since she had been at this location for a few.
From afar they spotted a seal on shore.  They decided to make the long walks and discovered R407 Kawika.  He was alone snoozing away. He found himself a nice spot, no people around.

RM31 Kai
RH32 & RL08
Puka RP30

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