Sunday, May 29, 2022

05/29/2022 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to by posse pal Justin T. and Team R&B💕

Posse Pal Justin T. saw 3 monk seals at a secluded spot today Sunday 5/29/22 at around 4:30pm.
RJ06 Aka a male identified with flipper tag J07 who was born on May 4, 2017 on Rabbit Island to Sadie.
RK24 Wawamalu, a male born to RK96 Kaiwi on April 24, 2018 identitied by his tags K25 & K24.
R7AF a male identified with bleach N2 and flipper tags 7AF & 7AG. 
Justin called the hotline and informed them of his sightings.  All seals looked to be in good body condition with no visible injuries or fishing tackle.

Team R&B started their day looking for seals and their first find was a beautiful Safron. They also saw a Iwa Bird flying around looking majestic.  Then lo and behold they spotted a seal RL08 hauling up on the rocks.

While on the road driving past they saw crowds of people and then they saw a seal on shore. There were no signs just people surrounding the poor seal.
They went to check it out and discovered none other than da Benny RE74. Since he is their #1 seal its upsetting to see how no one was looking out for the seal.

Team R&B kept looking and even though skies were gray, surf high the beaches were crowded.
They spotted two seals one was Kaale RH32 after Lei Ola RH48. The waves hit him and she took the opportunity to move inland galumphing away from Kaale.
He turned to bark at something and there was little RP30 Puka. Puka was curious and wanted to hang out with Lei Ola. Of course butthead Kaale being the punk he is, chased after RP30, who moved as fast as he could to the rocks, scrambling to get away from Kaale.
When they did a recheck, Kaale was gone and they found Lei Ola and RP30 snuggled in the rocks, nice and safe.

RK24 who I refer to as Bruno
RJ06 Aka
Benny RE74
Kaale RH32 and Lei Ola RH48
Kaale chasing RP30
Lei Ola
RP30 Puka

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just saw K25 looking healthy with another one but didn’t get tag number.