Tuesday, August 31, 2021

08/31/2021 (part 2) Tuesday Lesley's Ka'ena Update

It was a very RARE quiet day out here. Weather was great and the ocean inviting.
team T&D Shearwater chick is doing great, also got to see some Kolea's around the park and our Curlew at the point.
In the seal world also had some pleasant surprises.
RL98 Lina overnighted on the beach and spent the day on the waterline. She has finally started her molt 1%
RP30 Puka made it back from the west side. It's the second time in a couple of weeks. That's great now he knows his way back ( ğŸ˜‰ )
RJ40 (F) has shown up again. I last saw her exactly 2 months ago. She's beautiful and in a new coat
RO40 Ka'ena was sleeping on a reef and barely moved. I had a quick glance at his muzzle and his wound is healing fast. 
RW02 PVKauai did a swim around before settling on some reefs to rest. The wound on his muzzle is also healing very well - looks like a little piece was taken off
RH76 Kala is still recovering from her molt and doesn't seem in hurry to leave. She beautiful
R330 Squinty did a swim by and finally got the girls smell and headed towards her. Kala was spooked at first then settled back down, Squinty stood ground and also settled down to sleep beside her
More soon - Be Safe ğŸ˜·ğŸŒºğŸŒº


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