Sunday, August 1, 2021

08/01/2021 Sunday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:15 to 1:05 and saw three seals on island during her observation.

All three were on LPB. Near the rock flats on the Lanikai side and way back on LPB was a seal reported as U/U. This seal is most likely subadult size, belly and rear flippers were not visible, so an unidentified unknown.

More centrally located on LPB were two other seals. S/F, subadult to adult size, female belly, two tags

and molting. The seal seems to be about 60% molted, the entire ventral side has a new coat and up the sides. She moved around a fair amount again today. Maybe the molting makes them itchy.  An A/F, adult size, new coat, two tags and light gray belly was close by.

Team R&B got a call from a friend that a seal was in the area, Team R&B were already on their way. They got to the site, and didn't see the seal, they looked for an hour and nothing. That was until eagle eyes Robert saw a seal ocean side of the bay. It was RL20 in the water doing his thing.

They went back to the site later and looked around and there was RL20 Kalua on the rocks snoozing away. He is chubby, he is green and he is unbelievable cute.

Team R&B spent time driving around the coast looking for monk seals, finally they spotted a little green seal on shore. They stopped to take a look the seal was snoozing alone.  There were kids on shore making sea lion noises yelling to see if the seal would move or was alive.  Someone scolded the kids and they left. The seal was RM31 Kai who is also very green with raccoon eyes.

On their last stop they saw one last seal. It was Nalu R3CX snoozing at the water front rocks alone.

Rabbit Island

RL20 Kalua Swimming by
RL20 resting on the rocks
Question: If a dog has a stick-fish, did he fetch a stick, or catch a fish?
RM30/31 Kai
R3CX Nalu

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