Tuesday, August 31, 2021

08/31/2021 Tuesday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Lesley, Melody and Team R&B💕.  Lesley's Ka'ena update is part two of the dailies.   ALSO in yesterday's news I forgot to wish Da Benny a Happy 19th Birthday! 

Melody sent video from yesterdays' excited with Aukai, Kawika and Lefty. Fun stuff to watch!

Team R&B spent lots of time looking for seals everywhere today and only found critters at tracks. Along with the critters were the tourist. Some were close to the seals taking their pictures. Another guy was walking around passing out cards to tourist for what they don't know.  

Team R&B's first find was RN14 Kalani and RL12 Aukai. They were on shore enjoying their siesta together just fine.  Seems Aukai been getting lots of male visitors lately.

When they returned to tracks they found one more seal R3CX Nalu.  When one women crawled up to Nalu, while boyfriend was taking pictures, Team RB went over to tell the scoop.  Of course they were not aware, they knew nothing, but now they do. They were visiting from Argentina.

RL12 and RN14
R3CX Nalu
Tourist unaware
Video of R407-RG28-RL12

08/31/2021 (part 2) Tuesday Lesley's Ka'ena Update

It was a very RARE quiet day out here. Weather was great and the ocean inviting.
team T&D Shearwater chick is doing great, also got to see some Kolea's around the park and our Curlew at the point.
In the seal world also had some pleasant surprises.
RL98 Lina overnighted on the beach and spent the day on the waterline. She has finally started her molt 1%
RP30 Puka made it back from the west side. It's the second time in a couple of weeks. That's great now he knows his way back ( ğŸ˜‰ )
RJ40 (F) has shown up again. I last saw her exactly 2 months ago. She's beautiful and in a new coat
RO40 Ka'ena was sleeping on a reef and barely moved. I had a quick glance at his muzzle and his wound is healing fast. 
RW02 PVKauai did a swim around before settling on some reefs to rest. The wound on his muzzle is also healing very well - looks like a little piece was taken off
RH76 Kala is still recovering from her molt and doesn't seem in hurry to leave. She beautiful
R330 Squinty did a swim by and finally got the girls smell and headed towards her. Kala was spooked at first then settled back down, Squinty stood ground and also settled down to sleep beside her
More soon - Be Safe ğŸ˜·ğŸŒºğŸŒº


Monday, August 30, 2021

08/30/2021 Monday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Melody and Team R&B💕.

Team R&B arrived at the bay to see Kalua RL20 foraging on his own. They could see the schools of fish all over the bay, guess there no need to steal. Then again there weren't that many fishers out there today.  They also spotted RH32 Kaale foraging. Guess he filled up because he hauled out on the rocks later on and was snoozing.  

Team R&B had an appointment so they didn't get to tracks until later.

They caught up with Melody who filled them in. They arrived to find RG28 scooting down to the water and leaving, going along the shoreline. Kawika R407 interfered with Lefty hauling out, Kawika was guarding Aukai RL12. Meantime Aukai was laying back enjoying the hot sun. Lefty kept moving along the shoreline until he disappeared.  Kawika had Aukai all to himself. He was a gentleman made a move and Aukai really didn't react. They both laid side by side in peace.  

Melody started her day by heading out at sunrise to see if she could find any critters on the west side.  She arrived and found two seals who were snoozing about 6 feet apart. She was able to ID Aukai RL12 and Lefty RG28. She called the hotline to report.  She stayed to watch the two when another seal decided to join them. It was a male and Lefty wasn't happy, the two got into a dispute. By the end, Lefty went in the water and swam off. (Enter Team R&B) They helped Melody ID R407 Kawika the other male.

Kawika slowly came in and gradually made his move toward Aukai who let him get close and snooze

next to her. Apparently he got a little closer and Aukai had a change of heart and the drama began. They had words and Kawika swam off. Aukai stayed and slept soundly on her own. No one was around to bother her so Melody headed out.  

When Melody arrived at her car she noticed signs up at the other end of the beach. She went to check it out and Kawika R407 had relocated there.  Melody spent time talking with folks about the seal and she noticed RG28 Lefty swam in and once again there were words between him and Kawika. RG28 left and then made his way back down the beach where he began his day. He joined Aukai again, hopefully they were able to rest without any additional drama.  It was after lunch so Melody left for the day.

RL20 Kalua

RH32 Kaale foraging
Kaale hauled out
Lefty leaving
Kawika and Aukai - Lefty hanging in the shoreline
Kawika and Aukai
Lefty RG28
Lefty and Aukai
Lefty and Kawika
Aukai and Kawika
Aukai and Kawika