Tuesday, February 16, 2021

02/16/2021 Tuesday Monk Seal Dailies

 Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕.  We also have news from Ke Kai Ola on one of our 2020 pups "Mele" a little female born on Oahu. Here is the link to the Big Island News. We know she's in good hands and will be fatten up soon enough.


Team R&B💕 started their day spotting three seals and only being able to ID RN14 Kalani. By 8 am they notices a seal hauling up at tracks. They hurried over and found Lefty RG28 high up on shore by the big boulders. They called the hotline and stayed watching over Lefty and Kalani. Surfers were out again with the big waves.  Around 9:40 a volunteer finally came by. She places three signs, took some pictures, made some calls and left the area. Team R&B stayed for a couple more hours. One girl put her towel near the seals and was going to lay down, when she spotted Team R&B and them moved away from the seal.  Then a man with his children came charging over to the seal, the Dad wanted the kids to get close to the seal for a picture. Team R&B called out getting their attention and they moved.  Team R&B had some appointments but they came back for an later check. Same BS was going on and no volunteers to watch over the seals.

Checking another west side location they only found Kekoa Alii RK72 snoozing alone. He was on lower rocks snoozing the day away.

Stopping off at the bay they were thrilled to once again find the beautiful Lei Ola RH48. Today she had company RN44 has returned to his usual location.

Can we get any closer?

What sign?

RG28 Lefty

Lefty and Kalani

Kekoa RK72
Lei Ola RH48

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