Tuesday, October 8, 2024

October 8, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:40 to 2:00 pm and there were five seals seen during that time.
Down from the 3BS were two seals:
Adult Male: adult size, old coat, brownish green male belly and at least one red tag. The seal may have scar on its right rear side, but it could also be a wet spot.
A short distance away from the A/M was an Adult Female: adult size, newer coat, light gray female belly and at least one red tag.
Near the SRI channel were two seals:
R7AF: sub-adult size, male-belly, two red tags and about 70% molted. It was difficult to get a good assessment of how much he has molted on his dorsal. Later R7AF entered the SRI channel, but he hauled out again.
Weaner RT19 was initially mostly hidden behind R7AF, but later moved out where he could be seen. RT19: weaner size, cream-colored male belly and two red tags.
Out on RRB was the same Sub-adult Female: that has been there for several days: smaller sub-adult size, greenish tan female belly and two red tags.

Team R&B started their day at the bay where there were scanning the area for seals. They spotted one swimming  but it was hard to follow it because it was so far out. They saw it one more time and got a quick pic of the green hind flipper with one red tag.

At another west side location and immediately spotted a green seal
resting off to the right. They studied the bugga for a long time and determined it had no tags, beautiful face, ding on its back, a scar on it for flipper. That's then they knew it was R617. 
Then another seal hauled in and landed. This seal was identified as RM31.
Team R&B stayed and just taking in the view when they spotted another seal coming in. It was RG28 Lefty. He hauled in and looked around, then just rolled in the shallow ponds making his way higher up.
He got the scent of RM31 Kai and hurried over to him. Kai did nothing, so RG28 gave him a head butt. Then Kai woke up and RG28 let it go moving to the right and went to sleep.

One last stop they were hoping to find the big seal from yesterday, but the only seal there today was RL20 Kalua. He was alone and resting. They suspect he might be getting ready to molt soon.

Rabbit Island
unknown - unidentified

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