Saturday, June 24, 2023

June 24, 2023 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Their first find was RM31 Kai who was alone and snoozing. While watching over him they noticed another seal coming into the area at warp speed. The seal hauled up next to Kai and they had a few snorts between them. It was Nalu R3CX, as fast as he arrived and exchanged snorts, he turned around and left.

They watched where he was heading and he went by the jetty to fill
his belly with fish. After eating a big fish he then headed into seal inlet looking around. 

Now a third seal arrived! Nalu didn't see the lovely RH76 Kala. She layed low, waited for him to pass her, and eventually leave the area.
Kala turned into her little hideaway and landed. She is looking quite big today, and based on her actions she one smart female.  She managed to escape Nalu and he was clueless she was even there.

At another west side location they was the little guy. R416 Makalii was alone to the right. They waited around for him to move, but he wasn't interested just resting in the warm sun.

RM31 Kai
R3CX Nalu
RH76 Kala
R416 Makalii

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