Saturday, June 17, 2023

June 17, 2023 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕.   Please check out part 2, a big mahalo to Team R&B for remembering today makes one year since we lost him.  He is special to so many but hold a very special place for Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit ISland from 12:50 to 2:35 and the weaners were the only critters on island.
At 1:09 Marilyn became aware that one of the weaners labeled Weaner A had hauled out at RRB.
Weaner size and coloration, but Marilyn never got a good look at her ventral side or rear flippers.
At 1:21 Marlyn saw Weaner B trying to haul out on the rock flats near Weaner A, but gave up. Then Marilyn saw her again hauling out at the SRI and check out the beach near there. Then at 1:32 Weaner B hauled out in the middle cliff area. Weaner size and shape, light female belly and two red tags.

Team R&B started their day at the bay. There they found RM31 Kai, and there was no way he was showing them anything more other than his tag. He was facing away from them so at least he was generous enough to show his tag.

They were thrilled to find RL42 Leia since she recently weaned her chubby pup. She is looking good, thin but still healthy in other words not too skinny. She was resting in a crevice up on the rocks.  Soon after Team R&B left some dude rode his moped through the rocks (a$$).

At another west side location they spotted a young seal with no tags. They tried looking from different angles but nothing was showing
much. It wasn't until they got home and studied the photos did they realize it was R416.
No tags, unique hind flippers with a split, and three strange lines. That's him R416. A wave came up hit him good and off he went to forage off the rocks.

Rabbit Island
RM31 Kai

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