Tuesday, May 2, 2023

May 2, 2023 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B and Diane & myself.

Team R&B started their day walking around waiting for seals and none were around. BUT they did see splashing in the water and it turned out to be a whale breaching way out on the horizon! Nice way to start your day.

They arrived at a west side location and the surf was pounding, waves filling the entire area.  They spotted one seal on mid high rocks. It was RLO8 snoozing alone in the rain.

Next stop at the bay they found two seals together.  There was RG32 from Molokai and the lovely
RH76 Kala. This girl has more males following her for her attention.
At the same site but different spot was RH32 Kaale. He was alone and fast asleep on the coral.

Diane and I viewed Rabbit Island today, and the lighting made it difficult for any decent photos. We stayed for over an hour and had 5 seals today.
Sadie RB12 and PO4 were at LPB, a nursing session was in progress when we arrived. There was some snoozing where PO4 was completely hidden behind Mom. Later there were some wallows and they had gone for a short swim and hauled back out in the same spot.
Pua RF34 and PO3 were close to the shoreline just below the 2BS. PO3 is huge! We captured several positions of the porker with the hope some belly shots could tell us something. I will wait for the official call, but personally I think we have another girl (I hope).
Lastly there was an Unknown Female closer to the 3BS. U/F- subadult to adult size, yellowish female belly and unsure about tags.

RG32 & Kala
Sadie RB12 & PO4
Pua RF34 & PO3
Unknown Female

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