Monday, May 15, 2023

May 15 2023 Monday's Dailies (part 2) Marilyn's Rabbit Island Update

 Hi All,

I viewed Rabbit Island from Makai Pier from 12:15 to 3:00 pm. It was mostly overcast with occasional sun and moderate breezes. There were again "heat waves" that make photography difficult.

It was an interesting day. I took 682 photos which I whittled down to 160.

Initially on LPB were RB12 Sadie and PO4 (Day 43). At 12:30 pm I noticed that PO4 was gone but mom was still on LPB. About 10 minutes later mom had gone after PO4. At about 1:40 pm, Sadie and PO4 hauled out about 90 feet Makapuu of 1BS (the furthest Makapuu direction I've seen this pair). Then at 2:05, they went back in the water and at 2:50 pm they hauled back out at LPB. A berm has developed and mom and pup had to struggle to get up over the bump.

About 10 feet Lanikai side of the 3BS was a Juvenile Male (JM): juvenile size, light cream-colored male belly and I believe two red tags.

About 40 feet Makapuu of 3BS was what I think was RK37: adult size, older coat, brownish-yellow female belly, two red tags and a nb on lower left side.

Near SRI was a somewhat puzzling situation. Weaner PO3 was attempting to nurse on an Adult Female (AF). This behavior continued for about 45 minutes with the AF occasionally taking nips at the weaner. Then the pup and AF both went into snooze mode. Later they moved closer to the water and then entered the water about 2:30 pm and seemed to play with each other like a mom and pup often do. About 15 minutes later the AF hauled out to RK37. A short time later PO3 also hauled out, galumphed around the AF and moved up and nudged RK37. I left soon after that.
I don't think the AF was RF34 Pua (PO3's mom), but I can't say for sure. The AF was adult size, older coat, yellowish belly and I think two red tags. I did not see Pua's distinctive scar on her right rear side, but I did not get a lot of views of that area. Both adult females seemed to be good to PO3.

Rabbit Island

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