Saturday, May 13, 2023

MAry 13, 2023 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:20 to 2:50 and there were only the 2023 kids and Mom on island today.

On LPB RB12 Sadie and PO4 (day 41) were having a nursing session when she arrived. Then there was a snooze session. At about 2:05 PO4 headed for the water without Mom noticing. PO4 entered the water about 2:07 while momma Sadie was still snoozing. About 10 minutes later Sadie finally realized the pup was missing and headed to the water's edge and apparently was barking. Sadie entered the water and a few minutes later was reunited with PO4. They were still in the water when Marilyn left.

Weaner PO3 was snoozing on the rock flats near SRI. For much of Marilyn's viewing session PO3 was obscured by a catamaran that was moored off shore. By the time the boat departed, the heat waves made most photos useless. PO3 never showed anything but her back.

Team R&B had another slow day. They started out at the cliffs and found a small seal on the rocks. It was RQ24 Mauna alone and snoozing away. He was a good boy and made his tags visible.

They decided to so the Ka'ena West trek and came up empty as far as seals, but there were lots of people.

When they made it to the bay, they had junior sealette with them. They waited for a seal to show up. Finally they spotted a seal foraging and doing 8 min dives. It was Kala RH76, and it looked like she was going to land but then she went out again.  Which was probably good since the beach was really crowded.

After many hours of searching they found one last seal. The seal was in a water hole, snoozing and quite comfortable. It was RL08 who had the water hole to himself all stretched out. Usually there is a battle over this spot.

Rabbit Island
RQ24 Mauna
RH76 Kala

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