Monday, May 1, 2023

May 1, 2023 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Melody and Team R&B💕
As a side note today is May Day/Lei Day but more importantly it's KP2 aka Ho'ailona's birthday. 

Melody went to checkup on Mom Kaiwi and PO5 today. She got there pretty early and the two of them were snoozing on the sand.  Melody was told they were out for a swim around 4 am and gone for a few hours. 
PO5 was the first to wake and was active and Kaiwi rolled over for a nursing. After that they went back into snooze mode. About an hour later Kaiwi and PO5 went back into the water and headed towards the Natatorium Wall. That's when
two men appeared standing against the wall watching mom and pup. A DLNR agent on a jet ski came over and talked with them but they didn't leave. Don't think they understood how much danger they were in. HPD came and that is when they finally came out of the water.
After all of that Kaiwi took PO5 way out past the Natatorium. She and the pup swam between the surfers and others. Eventually they headed back toward birth beach, went over to check out the jetty by OCC.
Mom was in teaching mode, Kaiwi showing pup how to forage between the jetty rocks. They were there for a little bit, then went back to birth beach slowly hauling out. Once they landed there was a nursing session and Melody called it a day.

At a west side location Team R&B were delighted to find RP30 Puka, RH76 Kala and RG32 fighting on the rocks. They had all just hauled up. Eventually they all settled down and snoozed on the rocks.

While at the site they heard and spotted a commotion off shore in the water. There were three seals
fighting like crazy. Three males RL08, RH32 Kaale and RM31 Kai.
Kai RM31 was the only one to land at seal inlet.  Kaale RH32 and RL08 continued arguing off shore.

Lastly they met a new seal today. A female RK42, who is from Kauai (possibly). She has numerous cc scars under belly and one that is healing on her side.  Glad she was alone and not with the arguing boyz.

Kaiwi RK96 & PO5
RP30 Puka - Kala RH76 - RG32
RH76 & RG32
Kai RM31
RH32 Kaale
RH32 & RL08

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