Friday, May 12, 2023

May 12, 2023 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:25 to 2:40 and there four seals on island today.
On LPB was RB12 Sadie and PO4, who seems to be getting bigger and bigger.  Marilyn still thinks PO4 is likely a female. There was one nursing session, but mostly snoozing during her observation.

Between the 1BS and 2BS was an Unknown Juvenile: juvenile size, light gray belly, not sure about tags.

On the rock flats between SRI and RRB was weaner PO3: weaner size and color, very light female belly and no tags. The weaner is making her way in the Makapuu direction.

Over on the west side Team R&B spotted RP30 Puka. He was at seal inlet alone and resting. His tags and cc scar were visible.
Then they spotted a seal foraging off shore. They studied it and it took a while but they were able to ID RL08. His cc scar was visible to confirm his ID. They waited but he never hauled out.

Once again with things being so quiet in their neck of the woods, Team R&B decided to venture out. They got lucky and found a seal on shore. It was RK42, a pretty female despite all the cc scars on her under belly.
From afar they spotted another seal. They went to check it out and found another lovely female RL74 Kami. 
Walking a bit they then found RW02 PvKauai on shore. He was alone and in a deep snooze. He must be really pooped since there were a couple of females in the area. 

Rabbit Island
RP30 Puka
RL74 Kami
RW02 PvKauai

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