Sunday, February 20, 2022

02/20/2022 (part 2) Marilyn's Rabbit Island Update

Marilyn has had company visiting and hasn't been spending her usual viewing time at the pier. She sent and update from today and some additional sightings from the last week.

Today she viewed Rabbit Island from 11:20 to 1:20 and there were two seals on island, as well as a two legged beast.
On LPB was an unknown J/F - juvenile size, light female belly and doesn't appear to be tags. It may be one of the 2020 or 2021 kid.  
Among the waterfront rocks near 3BS was an U/S - subadult size, two red tags, unknown gender and they may be a small NB on the lower right side. 
There was a throw net fisherman on island, he had arrived by kayak. Marilyn tried the DLNR tip app
but had problems so she tried to call DOCARE and her calls did not go through ( somewhere there is a technical issue).  The fisherman was also on island yesterday too. He was careful to walk around the seals both days, so at least he was considerate.

ALSO today Marilyn heard from Terry Kerby. While he was swimming on the east side he encountered RK24 Bruno/Wawamalu. RK24 was alone and even better Terry got a couple of great photos.  (Just as a side note Terry Kerby retired UH submarine pilot who had worked at the pier for many years. When Ewa Girl pupped in 2008, DB named her boy Kerby RW08, and now you know the rest of the story )

Earlier in the week Marilyn had seen two seals swimming about 100 yards out from the pier. The two were foraging and coming to the surface on occasion. One seal had a browner coat and the other was darker. Marilyn is reasonably sure the seal with the browner coat was RK24 based on the short parallel line scars on the left side of his head, and his size.
What makes this more interesting is that Terry Kerby shared photos of two seals he encountered on his swim the very same day. According to Marilyn looks to be the same two culprits one being RK24.

Rabbit Island 2/20 
Two seals foraging
photos from Terry Kerby

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