Thursday, February 24, 2022

02/24/2022 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕. There were lots of seals and lots of action, so there may not be a lot of details in some cases.

They started early this morning and found R3CU had just hauled up on seal inlet area. He was alone and went into snooze mode.

They headed out and stopped at the outfall. From a far they noticed a net in the water, and see that two seals were at the net.  The net had a Gatorade bottle tied to it. They hurried over to find RL08 moving away with another seal who we will call mystery seal. ( this is a seal they just can't an ID )  They immediately called the hotline and let them know what they were looking at. They said they would send someone over. So Team R&B headed off to another site. 
They returned at 1 pm to find a man in a yellow kayak, orange float and a woman diver.  Team R&B called the hotline again and updated what they were seein.  She informed them volunteers were there trying to get the stuck net out. In the end it was removed!  Thank you to all!!!

At another location they saw two seals foraging way down by the Lagoon. They waited and waited for them to land but they didn't.  Melody and Sarah arrived, but Team R&B curiosity got the best of them. They walked out to see who they were.  There was RN14 Kalani and Kekoa Alii RK72. 
They saw the seals were heading towards another location. They hurried down to the site and texted Melody that seals were coming.  Melody put out some signs.  RN14 and RK72 didn't haul out while Team R&B were there, they were too busy playing in the cove. 

Team R&B got to another site and couldn't get too close because there were dogs that are known to go after people. So from afar they saw a seal and was able to ID Kaale RH32. He was snoozing and didn't move a muscle.

Returning to where they started off in the early morning they were surprised to find so many critters.
RG28 Lefty was on left high mid rocks. RW02 PvKauai was snoozing in the shallows.
Then they spotted RL08 mid high rocks hidden. They had seen him at the outfall early morning. IDing seals that are hidden is always a challenge. But thankfully RW02 galumphed over to him and he moved enough they got his tag.
They spotted another male and studied him for a long time. Between the sun glare and his not moving much it wasn't easy. Then to their shock they realized it was R330 Squinty. No tags, little bleach spot on belly, there he was.
They found another seal in the area was little RP84 Pe'ekai who was doing his usual hiding routine. He does such a good job.
And last but not least was handsome R3CU who was still there from early morning. He was still resting, probably unaware of all the other critters in the area.

RL20 & Mystery Seal
Kalani and Kekoa
RL08 and Lefty

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