Sunday, January 2, 2022

01/02/2022 Sunday's Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕.   I think our posse has adopted the mail delivery creed.  "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays (this posse) from the swift completion of their appointed rounds "

Team R&B made it out despite the heavy rains. They were hoping to find critters and they did, different kind of critter. They saw sharks, actually witnessing one attacking something. There was lots of thrashing and splashing then quiet.
There were waterfalls, falling rocks and flooding roads. Finally in the pouring rain, umbrella in hand they spotted a seal. There hidden by rocks was the seal. They are pretty sure it was RL42. 
They called it a day and went home, and the rain stopped. If that wasn't bad enough the sun came out at 5pm.  
Marilyn headed over to observe Rabbit Island. Since she hadn't been able to go in the last two days, today she snuck in 45 minutes before the non-stops rains came.  Between 11 - 11:45 she saw five seals.
On LPB about 40 feet Lanikai side of the 1BS were three seals:
Seal 1 - subadult to adult size, lighter ventral side, unsure of gender and at least one tag.
Seal 2 - juvenile size, lighter ventral, unsure about tags and gender. May have a scar on the left neck area.
Seal 3 -  adult size, newer coat, gray male belly and at least one tag on RRF.
In the dunes near 3BS: 
Unknown Unknown: probably subadult size, lighter ventral, unsure on gender or tags.
Initially in the dunes between 3BS and SRI and then moving down near the water was an Unknown Juvenile. Larger juvenile size, lighter ventral side (probably male). Marilyn didn't think there were any tags.

Rabbit Island

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