Tuesday, March 31, 2020

3/31/2020 Stay At Home (8) Tuesday Monk Seal Dailies

Aloha Good People

Not much to report today, although I did have an opportunity to talk with a couple of seal posse pals that I haven't spoken to in quite some time. At the end of the day, I realized how significant so many people in the monk seal community are to me and my life. 
Yes we share a very passionate common goal looking after the seals, but honestly after years of knowing each other, celebrating the triumphs, and mourning the losses together, we have an incredible bond.  I can not express in words how truly honored I am and how deeply I care about them.  

This prompted me to look back on the blog. I pulled up this day back in 2008. Interestly this was a day that I met Irma. She was hanging out in Waikiki, pretty much were Kaiwi hangs out now. 
As I read through the post I realized that Chester had died that week just days before. I went back and read DB's announcement of his death, and remembered all the news coverage that followed.
What many of you may not know is Chester was the first celebrity seal.  

I looked back a little further and on March 24th, was the first time I ever met Robert and Barbara in person. We were all at the state house giving testimony to have the Hawaiian monk seal be named Hawaii's State Mammal.   
These were times when we all pulled together and got things done. We were grass roots, many of us had never done anything like this before but we did it, and did it well if I say so myself! 

I hope you are all doing well and staying safe.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I remember taking my class of 5th graders to the capital to give testimony to make our Hawaiian monk seal the Hawaii State Mammal as part of our unit on marine life. Definitely a new experience for them!