Friday, March 20, 2020

03/20/2020 Friday ( part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update from Thursday

Super Team T&D and I did the monitoring together today. Before anyone questions we were out there to make sure no one was in the park as Ka'ena Pt State Park as of today is CLOSED.
Just as we were entering the gate I pointed Kauai out to them - we got to see it all morning and waved away to Sealette Kauai and our family. I get to see it a couple or more times a year, usually after a big storm. The explanation is that Kaia'e faces Kauai.
Whales could be seen playing around blowing and breaching from first light.
We saw The TRIO Snow Geese on our way in and out.
The  BFA - Black Footed Albatross showed up as we were leaving the point flew towards then over us and went to land in the center field.
We got to see several Pre Breeding Albatrosses, lots of whistling and courting dances.

In the seal world we had a crop of seals
First one was RW02 PVKauai at Hidden Beach
In the NARS RL74 Kami was hauled up high on boulders near Ka'ena's Pool - IDed from the cliff by her N74 bleach
On the point of the Runway RO40 Ka'ena and RN58 Luana were hauled out side by side. He was IDed by one of his NBs and tag O55, she was in a tide pool and IDed by the scars on the top of her head and matting scars.
At the point Dave pointed out 2 seals on the outer reefs. RH76 Kala IDed by her marks N77 and tag H76, side by side with R330 Squinty IDed by his rear flipper NB

On our way back we spotted RL98 Lina IDed by her mark N34 and tag 206 hauled out sleeping peacefully at 10Mnts Beach. She looks funny on the photo cause she had her LFF under her.   More soon ğŸŒº

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