Team T&D and I headed into the gated area today covering Coastal by them and top roads by me. We had a lot of outreach to do.
At Hidden Beach RN58 Luana & RW02 PVKauai were side by side mid beach. On our way out they were still there with many visitors on the beach being very respectful.
The seal was little RL74 Kami. She was between 2 rocks and NO round wound visible, she turned around and I had a good look at her bellie nothing there.
On Back Beach RO40 Ka'ena was sleeping near the waterline. Out in the water I saw a bobbing head heading straight to Ka'ena. The seal hauled out and took a very longtime to settle down. Team T&D arrived and Tammy was able to get a G29 tag confirming the seals ID RG28 Lefty.
The kid has so many CC scars he could go around without tags and we could still ID him, but the NB on his LFF is no longer visible, as it's covered by algae. Downloading my pics I could see his 2 very white nails. Glare was very strong today and hard to see details while taking photos or on the view finders.
We got to see some whales cruising and of course The TRIO Snow Geese.
Please all stay home, be safe and dry. Some of us will be working and making sure our dear wildlife are OK 
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