Monday, March 16, 2020

03/16/2020 Monday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand, Melody and Rabbit Island sighting by Gayle.

Before we get into our daily sightings, word on social media is RB00 has given birth somewhere on the island of Kauai. I mention her because she was last seen on the Big Island, looking large and her due date was estimated 2/21.  When our mystery Mom gave birth on Rabbit Island we thought it could be RB00, but after a couple of weeks of observations we ruled her out, not to mention she was seen on Big Island. Fast forward she ends up on Kauai with a pup, that's a long way to go, to pop a pup. Makes you wonder why? Congratulations Kauai,
welcome PK1.

Team Billand braved the cold rainy day and ONLY found one seal. They did their usual route and checked all the nooks and crannies and the only critter they found today was RH32 Ka'ale.
At 7:45 am they spotted the fish thief stealing again at the outfall.  Despite Ka'ale's antics the fishermen were still able to catch plenty fish.
At 10:30 they found him on the rocks at a nearby location. He was passed out sleeping very soundly, fat and happy.

Gayle sent a couple of photos of two unknown critters on Rabbit Island. No markers to go by, one large critter with the smaller one hanging on.
Speaking of Rabbit Island, Tony got some drone shots from Sunday showing Mom and pup.  RF34 and PO1 along with two critter near the 1st blue sign. (juvenile male and unknown male) 

Melody was thrilled that even on a cold rainy day Rocky hauled out for a visit. She got a text about 9:15 this morning that there was a seal near the jetty slowly making its way to the beach. When Melody arrived Rocky was already up on the sand digging a wallow.  Her NB on her LFF was visible so Melody called her into the hotline. Security brought the signs and they set up a zone. The beach wasn't really busy so Melody didn't stay and made spot checks throughout the day. On her last check at 5 pm she was in the same position hunkered down in a deep wallow. Let's see if she still there in the morning.

sleeping like a log after a morning of feasting
 Sweet honu - just keep swimming 
Today's Rabbit Island Unknowns
 Yesterday's Drone pics Pua and PO1
 UM and JM from Sunday

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