What a wet night and day so far.
At Hidden Beach RN58 Luana was hauled out sleeping peacefully. There was a wallow and trail to the water right beside her.
Once I got to the Boulders I decided to go ahead and hike to the point.
some adult albatrosses were flying around despite the rain. Little Ambassador Chicky was soaked. I stood for a while watching him till I saw him breathing.
At the point I found RH76 Kala IDed by her new bleach - never saw it was a female or ant tags. In the pouring rain marking had to do for it. When I checked it up I realized it was her and it was also my first sighting of her.
Around the area from the cliff I spotted RO40 Ka'ena IDed by his NB and O55 tag.
In a pool a small seal was doing the hippo. I went down to check and saw RL98 Lina's N34 mark.
It was raining all the time, but one look towards Kauai and I saw dark storm coming in fast. I started my way back. The windstorm met me near Leina, I had to use both hands to open the gate, so needless to say, I was soaked to the bone.
Roads were a big mud river, the ocean front was turning into heavy brown water all along the coast.
It's still raining so we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Stay safe and dry
a very faint N77
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