Wednesday, March 18, 2020

03/18/2020 Wednesday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand. 

Although it wasn't a busy seal day, Team Billand did have a better day than yesterday. This morning they did their early morning check and had to run off to some appointments.
They spotted a fat seal sleeping to the right on the rocks at a west side location. It was Kaale RH32, unfortunately they could not stay long.

After their appointment and a text from Melody telling them there were two seals at that location. When they returned they found Kaale and this time Kawena R36 was also on site. She was mid rocks sleeping peacefully. She was completely dry indicating she had been there for a while.

Kaa;e was to the left snoozing in a different spot. Both seals were at the same location but in different spots. It was a nice break in the weather today too, at least for a little while.

Kaale RH32
 Kawena RH36 

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