Tammy was solo today and just happen to catch a glimpse of seal in the water. The seal was playing with something and Tammy originally thought it was a buoy, but no, it was a turtle. She was able to ID K80 "Katie" with the turtle, for about 40 minutes of interaction. There was one point where the turtle was belly up and appeared to be struggling. Tammy swears she saw RK80 help the turtle flip right side up. Maybe it wasn't intentional but the end result remains the same. K80 finally hauled out for some well deserved rest.
Speaking of Team T&D I do want to give them a BIG shout out for their efforts of hauling debris out of the waters. Every time they are out there they go above and beyond. Even though Tammy was solo today she still managed to drag some net out onto the shore. Way to go Tammy!
Team Billand went to the outfall and didn't see any critters anywhere. They then headed over to a nearby beach and one seal hauled up on the rocks. They couldn't tell who the critter was, although they suspected it was Kawena RH36. The seal was alone she was not very cooperative in giving any clues.
Melody arrived and tried to help, they were able to determine it was a female.
Later in the day when Team Billand returned there were two seals together.
They were able to confirm Kawena RH36 ID and she was with RH32 Kaale.
About 9:30 Team Billand found Kawika R407 on a west side beach. He was on lower rocks, snoozing but alert. His marker on right shoulder, cookie scar on back, and mark on left eye. He later moved to the water hole.
At 10:30 they found Kalua RL20 came in fast, hauled up left high rocks and went right to sleep. He is getting very green. On a later check he would depart as the waves were getting to him just before 4 pm.
Team Billand found RL42 Leia at another west side location. She was alone sleeping in peace. I will quote Barbara's reaction " FAT BUMBUCHA!!!!" Lol
At 2:30 they spotted a seal on shore from afar. They took the long walk out and were happy they did. There was Benny RE74 resting on shore, there were people out and about, footprints around him and lots of off leash dogs. They stayed with him for a while, and Benny was just fine. He is looking nice and plump in good condition.
K80 and Turtle
Turtle belly up and K80 close by
K80 hauled out resting
The look " what? I was just playing with the turtle, it's all good"
RH32 Kaale
Kawena and Kaale - they make a cute couple
Kawika R407
RW02 PvKauai
RL20 Kalua
RL42 Leia
Ba ba ba Benny!
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