Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Jan. 31, 2023 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:25 to 3:05 and there were four seals during her observation. Marilyn had some technical difficulties with the camera so the photos aren't aren't as sharp as usual.
On LPB near each other were two Unknown Juveniles:
U/J #1: juvenile size, older coat, light tan belly and at least two tags. Marilyn believes its a female but could not confirm.
U/J #2: juvenile size, light gray belly and probably two red tags. 
On the waterfront down from the 3BS was a Subadult Male: small subadult to larger juvenile size, light male belly and two tags. This is most likely the same U/J from yesterday.
At 2 pm Marilyn became aware of a seal on the waterfront rocks near SRI. The Unknown
Adult never showed anything but its dorsal side. The only thing she had to work with is its adult size.

Team R&B started their day at the outfall. They watched a seal foraging, but it did not hang around for long.  
Then they spotted a boat and realized there were whales. They watched them put on a great show.

Next they spotted a big seal landing on shore at another beach. They watched from afar was R413 Makamae. They witnessed as people arrived and they got close. One woman laying down next to R413. Team R&B called the hotline.

Team R&B went to check secrets since its been a hot spot as of late. When they arrived there were two males on shore, no signs. So they got the two they have and put them up, educated folks and called the hotline.  
RG28 Lefty and RG32 were on shore resting. Not everyone was good not disturbing the seals. 
Finally a volunteer arrived, so Team R&B removed their signs and left for the day.

At their next stop they were happy, happy to find RL08 hauled
out on the rocks. He was sound a sleep.  From afar they spotted two seals on a nearby beach.
They hurried over, only to find two tourist visiting the seals up close. There was R3CU was with R413 Makamae.  A could of guys walked up and took there photos then walked away when they realized they were being watched. 

Their final stop of the day at another west side location they found one seal. On lower rocks was RW02 PvKauai, and he was doing fine. Team R&B didn't stay for long just enough time to get an ID.

Rabbit Island
Unknown Foraging 
whales showing off
R413 from afar 
R413 at the site
RG42 and RG28
R3CU & R413

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