Monday, January 16, 2023

Jan 16, 2023 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:45 to 3:45 and there were three seals. 
Again up in the dunes just Lanikai side of 1BS was an Adult Female: adult size, brownish-yellow female belly and two red tags. She moved down from the dunes to the waterfront about 3:10. she seems to like being up in the dunes form much of the day.
About 50 feet Makapuu side of the 3BS were two seals partially hidden by waterfront rocks:
Unknown Adult: adult size, light ventral side (probably female), unsure about tags.
Adult Male: adult size, dark coat, dark gray male belly, unsure about tags. He is the same male that Marilyn has seen lately.

Team R&B started their day at a west side location. The surf was pounding, but they saw two seals so they checked it out. One larger seal and the other smaller on the rocks fighting the large surf.
The larger of the two was Kala RH76, and the other was RM31 Kai. They were both fighting the surf near seal inlet.

Heading over to secrets they saw lots of people and one volunteer. They then saw there were four seals on shore.  
R3CX Nalu all the way to the left
RK72 Kekoa Alii was with RL12 Aukai in the middle of them was RN14 Kalani.
While the four seals were resting together high up on shore, a new seal arrived. RG28 Lefty arrived causing the other seals to react by bumping all them with his snout. He first approached Nalu, then onto Kekoa Alii. He ended up with Aukai and Kalani.  

From afar they saw a seal at Tracks. The seal was small, male with tags. They called the
hotline to report who they ID'd as RL20 Kalua.

Next at a different location they saw another seal from afar. This was a large seal on shore and a couple with their dog were heading towards it. So they rushed over and just in time was able divert the couple away from the seal. 
It was RL42 Leia looking big, fat and healthy. She had been aware of the dog, but finally calmed down and stayed on shore.

Team R&B decided to make a fast trek out to Ka'ena West and found one seal. It was RQ24 Mauna, looking just fine. He was way up inland on the rocks.  The surf was huge and pounding. 

Rabbit Island
Kala and Kai
4 Seals - R3CX, RK72, RL12 and RN14
RG28 arrives
Lefty and R3CX
Lefty and RK72
5 seals - Lefty, R3CX, RK72, RL12, RN14

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