Monday, January 9, 2023

Jan 9, 2023 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Tammy, Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:15 to 3:30 and there were a total of four seals today.
About 20 feet Makapuu side of the 3BS was an Unknown Juvenile: juvenile size with lighter belly, and unsure about tags or gender.  Marilyn feels this is likely the J/M she has been seeing in that location lately.
About 40 feet Makapuu of the U/J was Unknown Adult #1: partially obscured by waterfront rocks: subadult to adult size, gray belly and at least one red tag. She could not be sure of its gender.
About 40 feet Makapuu of the UA1 was juvenile RQ44 Mahina. She hasn't been around for a bit so Marilyn was thrilled to see her. She was ID'd by her juvenile size, older coat with tannish yellow female belly and three red rear flipper tags.
At 2:45 Marilyn became aware of Unknown Adult #2 on waterfront rocks near RQ44. The UA2 was adult size, and with at least one red tag. The UA2 never showed its belly so gender is unknown.

Tammy hiked out to the point and met up with Lesley today.  Whales were out in full color putting on a show.
They saw an Albatross showing off its egg.
In the seal world they saw four seals. In the main pool were RL74 Kami, Squinty R330 and Kiane R604.
Down the ways on the runway was Holokai RG40. He has grown to be one of the bigger males. 

Team R&B started their day at the bay. They waited around but found nothing, they waited longer since the traffic was backed up. 
Then they saw dolphins, actually three different pods. And then the boats arrived and that was the end of the dolphins, they left and headed in the direction of Honolulu.
The boats followed and some stayed to watch the whales. The whales also left after a bit.

Then they got a text of a seal on shore at Kahe area. It took Team R&B forever to get to the site because of the traffic. Finally arrived to find adult female resting. Actually resting when the tourist, divers, snorkelers weren't going by to get their photo.  
They did their best to keep back but today people were just rude.  Another posse pal came out to help and tried in vane to keep people back. They tried educating and actually pleading with them. Team R&B called the hotline several times and let them know the crowd was getting hostile. Finally at noon a volunteer arrived.  
The adult female was ID'd as R413 Makamae, who remained on shore. In spite of all the rude people. 
Before leaving the site they noticed a small seal had hauled out at tracks. They could tell it was RL20, so they went to check. By the time they got to the site RL20 had left the area.

Next stop at the cliffs they studied a seal from afar.  They were able to ID RL42 Leia who is looking quite fat and beautiful.  They didn't stay long because they didn't want to draw any attention to her.

Team R&B headed over to another west side location and were happy to see the brothers. There was RM31 Kai and RP30 Puka hanging out together on the rocks snoozing.

They decided to make the Kaena West trek and found one seal. The seal was in a small pond chilling, it had one tag. The tag reads 3CU, and according to my notes he is from Kauai, although I don't have anything else on him.

Rabbit Island
More whales on the west side
R413 Makamae
Unknown Male ?  3CU from Kauai?
A beautiful sunset to a difficult day


Melina said...

Donna, R3CU was first reported on Oahu back in 2016 and has spent a few years around west side. Last report or sighting for me was back in June 2022. I was wondering where he has been.

Donna said...

Thank you Melina I knew he had been around before. Thanks for the background.