Friday, January 13, 2023

Jan 13, 2023 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:45 to 3:05 and there were four seals on island today.
On LPB down on the beach front near the 1BS there was a Juvenile Male: larger juvenile size, light silvery male belly and two red tags.
About 1:30 Marilyn became aware of a large seal making its way down from the dunes to the J/M. This was an Adult Female: subadult to adult size, brownish yellow female belly and two red tags.
The J/M entered the water about 1:50 and then hauled out again near the A/F about 10 minutes later. Marilyn was a little worried about him because a boat and a jetski were in the water in the water near where he entered.
Between 3BS and SRI were two male seals:
Adult Male #1: smaller adult size, medium gray male belly and two red tags.
About 40 feet Makapuu of A/M#1 was an Adult Male #2: larger adult size, darker coat, darker gray male belly and at least one red tag.
Team R&B reported seeing the Boobie with the plastic bag, this making day four. The boobie seems to just continue on with its life. They are committed to keep tabs on it until it rids itself of the bag. (hopefully) 

Team R&B took a walk out to another west side location with two friends. It felt good to have company at this place with so many people there and a big homeless camp.
They found RW02 alone in the playboy pond snoozing. He pooped and tried to get out of the pond. Dirty boy.
Then they were thrilled to find the brothers RP30 Puka and RM31 Kai. They were to the right by seal inlet, just resting peacefully. Love these two continue to hang out together.

Rabbit Island
 Boobie with a bag

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