Monday, January 23, 2023

Jan 23, 2023 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:50 to 2:20 and there were three seals on island today.
About 1/3 of the way between 3BS and SRI was an Unknown Adult: adult size, dark gray belly and at least one red tag. She kept hoping the seal would show its ventral side, but no such luck.
Initially on the waterfront rock flats on the Lanikai side of SRI
was Adult Female#1: adult size, light female belly, line scar on upper chest and pigment spot inside RFF and at least one red tag.
At RRB was Adult Female #2: adult to subadult size, light gray female belly, not sure about tags. Marilyn thinks this is the A/F 2 she reported yesterday.

Team R&B went to the outfall where they watched an adult seal foraging for quite a while. They didn't see any tags, seal has a clean coat. 
It never landed nor could they determine anything through their photos. The seal was reported as Unknown Adult.

They spotted another seal in the water and saw it land at another beach close by. The seal galumphed up higher and they could see it had tags and was a male.
Finally they were able to make it out to the area and there was R3CX Nalu. He was being visited by lots of folks looking to take a photo.
While watching over R3CX a tourist just walked up next to him.
For a moment it looked like maybe the guy was going to kick it, but folks on shore started yelling and the dude moved away.  YEA !!!! Nalu turned and looked at the guy.  They called the hotline.

Team R&B headed over to PC where they witnessed what they had been seeing the past few days. There have been folks feeding the turtles, touching them and putting cameras in their face. This morning the tourist was right next to the turtle with their kid taking their photos.

Next stop was secrets where there were three seals. RK72 Kekoa Alii was high up on shore near the naupaka. Near him was RG28 Lefty.  Then across from the boys was RL12 Aukai. She was alone high up by the rocks.  A volunteer was on site with ropes and signs up.
** As a side note Team R&B had wooden signs that they left in the area for when a volunteer wasn't around. There were actually six signs and now missing. SHAME.

:Lastly they headed to another west side location. When they arrived they notices a seal on lower rocks. There was RP30 Puka, getting washed about by the waves. He managed to go further up and clung onto the rocks.
Then came brother RM31 Kai who pretty much did the same thing. Landed between the rocks and hanging on while the waves swooshed over.

Rabbit Island
Unknown foraging
Turtle and tourist
RK72 & RG28
RP30 Puka

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