Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Jan 24, 2023 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:20 to 2:35 and there were fours seals during her observation.
On the water front about 25 feet Makapuu of the 3BS was a Subadult Female: subadult to adult size, mottled gray belly and possibly two red tags.
Another 50 feet towards SRI was a Subadult Male: subadult size, light male belly and two red tags. This seal seemed fairly thin..
In the same direction was an Adult Female: adult size, light tannish gray female belly, unsure about tags. Marilyn thinks this the same A/F she has seen, that has distinctive scars on her chest. 
On the RRB side of SRI among the rock flats was an Unknown Adult: adult size, unsure about gender since its ventral side was not visible. This seal moved further behind the rocks was barely visible.

Team R&B started out looking for seals and didn't see any, not even any dolphins. A man saw them with binoculars and asked if they saw the seals. He showed them to the right were two seals in the water, playing.
They took lots of photos trying to get a positive ID, they think one is R413 with the CC. They couldn't be sure who the other was. 

They then headed over to Secrets and were happy when they arrived there were three seals.
There was a volunteer and the area was roped off.
The seal by the rocks Waianae side was Nalu R3CX. Mid beach up by the bushes was RK72 Kekoa Alii.  
Then there was the third seal who is a mystery. Seal has two tags, big cc scar just under RFF.
The tag read K62, which Team R&B found out is a Molokai girl. They had never seen her before.
After hanging out a bit a fourth seal arrived. It was RN14 Kalani.

Last stop was at the bay where they found two seals. On the rocks alone was RH76 Kala. To the right was RL20 Kalua. He was alone and in a deep sleep.

Rabbit Island
Two seals @ play
unknown with NB and scars

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