Wednesday, November 28, 2018

11/28/2018 Monk Seal Dailies: Lesley's Ka'ena Update

The waves are still big and the volume of water washing the beaches are amazing.

I started by checking on an overnighted R330 "Squinty" at CE Pt.
From there I hiked out to the point. On Back Beach a big plump seal was coming up from the waterline. I first saw the little scar on her forehead then later her tags. Our girl RL12 "Aukai" is back. The beach looked like there was a really cool party overnight. Trails were everywhere, on every sandy piece of the beach.
I waited around but no other seals showed up. I was doing a last outreach with a family that had been in the Main Pool looking at little creatures. I wanted to point out to them that a seal could haul in at anytime. While talking to them I saw a seal in the middle of the pool. It literally sneaked in there without us seeing him. It made it way up on some reefs and as soon as I saw the white bleach spot on it's back I knew it was R3CU.

In the late afternoon I checked the front of the house and didn't see any seals around.  More tomorrow 

 Party trails 
 poo and spew?
 Sweet Girl ! 

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