Saturday, November 10, 2018

11/10/2018 Monk Seal Dailies: (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Point Update

It was one of those days when you realize you must be prepared for anything that comes unexpectedly your way. Rain caused most of the events but all ended well.

In the seal world my first find was little RK88 “Puna” (M D196) @ 10Mnts Beach. He’s so cute and blends in perfectly with the sand. His face is like a Asian cartoon character, clean lines and always smiling. He does have that in common with his mom RN58 “Luana” she is also always smiling.

Out at the point, I had a flashback when several seals would haul out half way up to the lighthouse in winter. 
I was checking 2 seal on Main Beach on the waterline when a visitor said “Oh! more? There’re 4 seals on the beach back there”. I was sure he was making fun of us, but it was true!
On Main Beach:
R353 (F) and RK36 “Kauai Kolohe” (M b.2005) were sleeping peacefully one on each side of the beach. Always a pleasure to see KKolohe back on this side. He left when he was about to start his molt, spent sometime out at Turtle Bay and finally came back here.
On Back Beach:
- RW02 “PVKauai” (M b.2008), that was MIA from the front of the house today, on D7m is now around 80% done.
- RO40 “Ka’ena” (M b.2006) still very green
- RR70 “RIP” (M b.2003) down near the waterline
- and beautiful RL12 “Aukai” (F b.2012) – she’s enormous !! what a big seal she has
turned out to be, just like momma “M&M” (R020)

The best for last… I got a msg this morning that the 1st Albatross was seen on Oahu this morning @ Kahuku Pt.
Well I got to see the 1st Albatross of Ka’ena Pt. Wish I could share who it is etc… but I don’t know. It was sitting resting so I never got to see if it was banded or not.   

More tomorrow ðŸŒº

Shearwater chick

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