Monday, November 19, 2018

11/19/2018 Monk Seal Dailies: (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

It was a busy, busy day around here.
In the seal world the 3 boys: RG40 "Holokai", RW02 "PVKauai" and RR70 "RIP" overnighted here in front.
We found RN58 "Luana" in her old favorite spot under the Milo trees @ Hidden Beach.
We did the NARS monitoring but didn't see any seals while out there working on other projects. Later some visitors mentioned seeing a seal at the point - it will go as a U/U.

When we were going in I noticed a pigeon on the road. Something caught my eye, it was a green band on one of his foot. I'll try to get some info about it.
The albatross are flying in and there's already a first pair "building" a nest !  More tomorrow ðŸŒº
I shall call you the Green Ban-on

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