The morning began at 0748 with a report about a seal hauled out at Maili Beach. Chrissy checked in with the Pohaku (RO28) ID. At 0839 a report came in about a seal at Three Tables. Malia responded but the seal had departed before she could make a positive ID. At 0842 a report came in about a seal hauled out at Alligator pond. Don responded and found Honey Girl (R5AY). At 0915 Marilyn found Kaiwi (RK96) at Kokee Flats. ID was made by tag K97 and natural bleach. This is the first known sighting of Kaiwi since she weaned her pup on 7/25/16. At 1200 an email report came in reporting Benny (RE74) at Alan Davis. Benny had an interaction with Kawena (RH36) in the tide pools then departed. Jeannie checked in at 1237 with a report of a seal at Ke Waena Beach. The seal was ID'ed as RK36 by tag 4DJ. Marilyn checked in at 1849 with a report of Benny (RE74) back at Alan Davis. Benny was swimming along the shore line but did not fully haul out.

Anissa checked in via email with updates from the Kawena (RH36) pup site. Anissa arrived at 0630 and Kawena stayed in her tide pool for majority of the shift. At approximately 0802, a large seal appeared west of the SPZ. The large seal appeared to be searching the shoreline. The seal eventually moved further west looking at the surf and shoreline, then it moved out to open water (most likely the unknown male was Benny but since a positive ID could not be made, this sighting will be an unknown). Kawena was completely unaware. At 1030 Kawena moved up on the rocks just outside her tide pool.
Lusi also check in via email with updates from the Turtle Bay pup site. Ua Maile (RT10) and pup (PO5) swam around almost the entire shift, when it began to rain mom and pup both hauled out for a little bit.
Benny and Kawena
Benny's classic posture
The seal at Maili Beach Park was Pohaku R028. We were with that seal from 9:10am to 5:30pm and we never saw anyone from HMMA.
The caller we met up with said the seal was there from 6am while they came upon it and didnt know what to do. Some one called the HPD who came as a group of folks were too close.
The lady there with her cute kids was happy we were there to protect poor Pohaku.
There were many dogs that came, so many we lost count. BUT...all on Leashes. Yeah.
We were tired, hot, wet from the rains...we left Pohaku alone. My dear friend Carol came to watch Pohaku for us till we returned.
We had no problems, all people were good while we were out there for the entire day.
Was happy it rained, it kept us all cool as its been so hot, we can hardly stand the sands heat.
A resident expressed that she was happy to see a seal at this site, as there hasnt been many lately in months.
My Olivia dropped by too, to see the mighty skinny Pohaku.
I can honestly say, this was a good day for Pohaku, she got the needed rest for once. Thanks to Carol my dear friend who decided to stay till Pohaku left at 5:07pm.
Just as she was leaving, a blue plastic ball appeared in the waves to the shore near seal. Seal watched it as it kept bobbing in each wave. After Pohaku left, we picked the ball up, My dear friend Carol took it as a souviner.
Pohaku was not seen today on Aug 1, 2016. I hope where ever she is, she will be SAFE from Harm. God bless you Pohaku and thanks for your beautiful pup RH80/81.
I pray too, that the seal that was shot with a Crossbow is found and treated by the NOAA team. Who would be so cruel to do that...shoot it with a Crossbow. Tragic.
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