Anissa checked in via email from Kawena (RH32) site at 0638. It took Anissa approximately 30 minutes to find Kawena. Kawena was wedged in the rocks outside of the tide pool sleeping. Aside from an occasional flipper movement and rolling on her back, she stayed put the entire shift. Prior to the end of Anissa's shift Kawena moved into the water near the tide pool.
Karen T. check in via email from Turtle Bay. Karen checked on Ua Maile (RT10) and pup (PO5) at 1400. They were swimming in the pool and playing in the waves at high tide. Karen left the pup site at 1500 to check on Holokai (RG40) near the tide pools. Holokai was sound asleep.
A Big Mahalo to all the volunteers who drove and walked countless miles in search of a seal of concern. The seal was sighted on the west side and was believed to have been shot with an arrow through the rear flipper. Many thanks to Sector Manager Chrissy and the west sector responders: Robyn, Terry, Bev, Debbie, Melina and Rick. Sorry If I missed any one!
Right spot at MCBH
RG40 Holokai
little green meanie
Ua Malie and PO5
Robyn and I had hiked out to the point already and after waiting out the rain, we missed the seal reported up near the trail head. It was headed in the direction of the point according to the fishermen. Little stinker! Thank you to all folks out there searching. It takes a village!
The previous is comment is mine, not sure why it posted anonymous!
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