At 0921 a report came in about a seal at Kaupo Beach. Jon responded and found the seal snoozing in the tide pool. No ID could be made due to the seal positioning. The seal remained sleeping. At 1135 a report came in about a seal at Diamond Head Beach. No further word on an ID at this time. At 1751 Carola checked into the hotline with a report of Holokai (RG40) ID by tag G40 (see more details below). At 1900 a report came in about a seal hauled out in front of the Haleiwa surf condo's. Don responded and found RI37. ID was made by scars.

Anissa checked in via email from Mokuleia. She arrived at 1138 and observed Ka'ale (RH32) hauled out and sleeping. He would remain the entire shift. CJ (NOAA) and a friend arrived for his first seal watch. I used their extra eyes to pick up trash and debris around the SPZ, found several strands of fishing line and one hook. Later Ka'ale awoke and found a stick further up on the beach. He played and chomped on it for a solid 45 minutes, then snoozed on top of it. He remained sleeping when Anissa departed at 1630.

Carola and Howard checked in via email from Turtle Bay. She arrived a little after 1600. Carola observed a mother an child within the SPZ. Carola got her attention and asked her to come out of the zone. Carola did some outreach about monk seal's and provided information about mom and pup behaviors. The woman was very understanding.
At 1730, Ua Maile attempted to go into the water. Mom barked at the pup and proceeded to enter the water, pup followed. Howard kept an eye on Ua Maile and pup while Carola walked up to Elbow. Carola ID'ed Holokai (RG40) on the beach in his regular spot napping. There were no signs of molting.
Ua Malie and PO5
my they grow so fast
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