Though I arrived at Makai Pier at 0830, it would be 1213 before I finally found a very green Kekoa (RK72) hauling out to the left end rock flats.

Diver posse member Paul Hasley called at 1257 reporting Kolohe (RW22) in the water fronting Lanai Lookout on his dive. His photos confirm the Kolohe ID. I guess Kaiwi must have given him the slip after yesterday’s Elk’s Club romance.
Team Billand called at 0706 with the report of Pohaku (RO28) at Paradise Cove. Brenda (NOAA) responded and vaccinated Pohaku.

At 1307 Barbara called with the report of RL42 at the 20Min mark on the Waianae side KP trail
At 1310 she found Nihoa (R912) at the 30Min mark.
At 1329 she reported RW02 just a tad beyond Nihoa’s location.
Kala and Cass
Kolohe - what a wonderful treat seeing these underwater photos - THANKS Paul
Kawena looks like she caught herself some... tako?
wow she really adventured away from birth beach
hmmm she got a can? was that canned tako... ?
this is my cute pose
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