I arrived at Makai Pier at 0828, but Rabbit Island was once again Monk Seal free for the day.
At 0900 an guy working at Makai Ocean Engineering came out to my lanai office and advised that he had seen an animal at Lanai Lookout as he drove to work. When I got over there at 1150 I confirmed the Kolohe (RW22) ID.

At 0725 they found Benny (RE74) & Pohaku (RO28) together at the lighthouse, Campbell Industrial Park.
At 1256 the Billands found RW02 at Makua Cliffs.
At 1327 they found RIP (RR70) at the 30 min mark on the Waianae side KP trail.
At 1750 Carola reported an 85% molted BG (R303)& RK36 at 10Min. Bch, Mokuleia/KP.
Last but not least, Happy 14th to Da’ Benny (RE74) !!!
happy birthday Benny 14 years
pohaku and benny
benny had company on his b day
rk36 and bg
How unusual is it for Rabbit Island to have no seals for several days in a row? Does it suggest any particular problem?
Happy birthday to Benny! I didn't realize records of seals birthdays go back that far. Whose pup was Benny and where was he born?
As for the Rabbit Island question, I've been around the block long enough to know that stuff happens, multiple day absences from RI, while rare, do happen from time to time. Mostly, I'm concerned that Kala the 4 month old weaner has been MIA. Sure something could have happened, or she might be off on her first great adventure. All we can do is watch and learn.
As to the Benny question. He was born to RK04, on Kauai. I have no further info until I first ran into him at Turtle Bay in 2005. It was the first Oahu sighting. He was a cute little, skinny dude with a brand new, plush , Mercedes Benz silver grey coat on. My thought was that if it was a male I'd call him Benny. If a female I'd go with Sadie. Thus, Benny made his Oahu debut. DB
WE met DA BENNY in 2007 on our beach in Maili. We were fishing and two seals popped out, hauled out to right of us. The kids were so mean to them...LONA (female was with Benny, who since died of TOXO!). Benny was so attentive to Lona, it got our attention. At that time, we met DB and Tracy who helped us id the seals and gave us history on both seals.
We had watched the two seals for two days...from sunrise to sunset. THAT introduced us to monk seals.
Actually from 1976, we been watching the seals in our side of the island. We mostly noticed them during winter months. When ever there were seals on shore, MOM ROB and I were out there, taking photos.
But, after meeting Benny and Lona, we learned how to deal with seals, who to call and who to send the photos to. Its been one hell of a journey.
We learned that DA BENNY was this male, who had a rep to fight any male for a FEMALE. He was fierce. He would win most of his battles, and we learned fast...HE WAS SO SMART, STRONG WILLED. HE had BALLS.
For years we watched him battle for Irma, M and M, Lona, Haupu, even Rocky. Once the battel was so mean, between BENNY, ROCKY and KERMIT...we were shocked to see the boys fight so hard, biting each other...so we knew, when DA BENNY was around, keep away.
We watched DA BENNY for years at White Plains, through molting, through females, and how he plowed through crowds to haul out on shore near the cabins, near the fenceline. Hordes of people running after him...made us sick watching, BUT he would haul up anyways, stare at people, SNORT at them and come right up.
When he got hooked in 2014, we thought that would be the END FOR DA BENNY. BUt thanks to NOAA team, they worked hard to save him. After sixteen days in rehab at Ford Island, he was released with a transmitter, to follow his journey, and to see if he was ok. WEll, he made it...once more to our DELIGHT.
God bless DA BENNY, Happy Birthday Kid. We love to find you any where, any time, although lately, since your hooking, and all the deaths of our beloved females, you are a bit harder to find.
Glad he had a DATE yesterday with Pohaku for his 14th Birthday. He He .... and Pohaku was kind of turned on to him. She was rolling about, showing DA BENNY her thing..making pretty for him. I love that...fun to watch. They actually make a great couple. ANd Da Benny was kind of sweet to Pohaku..not his usual forceful self. Maybe he has reached an age, dont care, been there, done that...just chilling now. Who knows.
Thank you both for the answers and history! I am so impressed by the knowledge that the monk seal community has among them. Thanks for sharing it.
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