At 0806 a report came in about a seal at the Outrigger Canoe Club. Colleen ID'ed Kaiwi (RK96). At 0828 Karen T. checked in with a report of PO5 at Turtle Bay. Karen T. noted some there was some run off from the golf course, the water appears brown in color. NOAA Staff would advise PO5 received her permanent ID of RH48 tags are H48/H49. She was also successfully vaccinated! At 0913 Gail reported Kawena (RH36) at Alan Davis. At 0928 a report came in about a seal in Nanakuli across from the canoe club. Melina ID'ed Pohaku (RO28). At 1230 a report came in about a seal swimming near Lanai Lookout. No ID could be made. At 1320 NOAA checked in with a report of R912 (Nihoa) at Guard Rails in Maili. At 1309 a report came in about a seal at Turtle Bay. No ID could be made. At 1625 a report came in about a seal on the Waialua side of Kaena Point. At 1700 the caller reported a second seal in the same area. No ID's could be made at the initial sighting. At 1625 a report came in about a seal at Iroquois Point. No ID could be made.

Carola checked in via email. She found Ka’ale (RH32) between birth beach and Ka’ena Pt parking lot around 1630. Carola got a text message from Don about another seal reported in that area, so she went back to the birth beach to check but did not see any seals. Carola returned to Ka'ale's location and observed 2 women and 2 children fairly close to the weaner taking pictures. Carola provided outreach, they thanked her for the info. While Carola was provided outreach to the women and their children, a man noticed Ka'ale and ran down close to his haulout location. Carola provided outreach, but the man was not receptive. Mahalo Carola!

Melina checked in via email following her shift with Pohaku at Nanakuli Beach. Melina arrived at 1050 to ID the seal. She ID'ed Pohaku (RO28) by cookie cutter scars. She slept pretty well. The lifeguards said they would help keep an eye on her. Melina was getting ready to depart at noon, but then two men swam about 50 ft. to the left of Pohaku and began shouting at her. The men continued to do this 6 times over a half an hour. The lifeguard on duty put up 6 signs. Melina answered monk seal related questions for the lifeguards and also provided outreach for some tourist who went into SPZ. Melina spoke to them and they were very thankful for the info. The couple stayed an hour to learn more. Melina stayed until 1230, Pohaku remained withing the SPZ. The lifeguards said they will keep an eye on her as well. Mahalo Melina!
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