At 0900 I found a 75% molted Sadie (RB12), right of 3BS on Rabbit Island. She would be joined by a 25% molted Cass (RG06), and Kala (RH76).
I found an U/M on the left end rock flats at RI, at 0922. He would haul out briefly to Kala at 1227, but immediately departed. My guess is Kekoa, but I can’t prove a thing, so an U/M is required.
Team Billand checked in at 1237 with the report of RL42 along side the West Side , Ka’ena Point trail.

Diane G. Mail brought shots of Ua Malie (RT10) & PO5 at Turtle Bay. Thank You Diane.
Kala, Sadie and Cass
Sadie and Kala
UM and Kala
Sunrise at ADs
back stroke
BG & Ka'ena
Lil' Luana
Ua Malie & PO5
mom mom mom wake up mom
Is it lunchtime yet?
napping again?!
Mom you are sooooo silly
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