Marilyn found Kawena (RH36) in the water when she arrived for her morning check. Distressingly Kawena came within 50 ft of the AD’s wall on her travels, with D#1 of an weekend long Ulua Tournament all set up just west of the wall. There were be lots of juicy lookin’ tako legs hangin’ there all weekend. Hopefully the little girl will stay well away for all of that. When Marilyn left for work Kawena had moved back to the east. Marilyn checked in on her 5-7 shift this evening to advise that Kawena was snoozin’ near the Naupaka, mid SPZ. All was well.

Team Billand checked in at 0647 with the report of Pohaku (RO28) & an U/U foraging off shore of Campbell Industrial Park. The highlight of my day came with the arrival of Team Billand’s shots. Barbara had suggested this morning that the U/U might be Kea, since she thought she had seen a white fore flipper. When I got the shots I could see what she meant but was not so sure, until I did a flipper to flipper comparison with a shot in my files of Kea’s ventral side RFF. Lo & Behold it was a match. Kea has been spending a few days at RI and then disappearing for weeks. This is first prove that he might be doing journeys to the west side !
The Billands also spent some quality time with Ua Malie&PO5 today.
A Donna text at 1334 brought shots of an U/U at Moku Nui today.
Diane G., shots came in from her stay with Ua Malie (RT10)&PO5.
Val Bloy sent along new shots of Pokaku’s girl, RH80, showing off her new V80 bleach.
Some how in today's Dailies DB forgot to mention the Rabbit Island cast of characters.... today starring Cass, Kainoa, and Kala....
Kainoa and Kala
Kala and Kainoa
UU on Moke Nui
Kea on the westside !
Pohaku and UU (Kea)
RH80 Kauai got bleached... ( Pohaku's daughter)
She's a big girl
and silly!
This photo was labeled RH92.... different pup or typo?
UPDATED: this is Ho'ailona's (KP2) little sister!
Aloha Blog Lady,
The last picture is of RH92, no typo. This is KP2's little sis, born in May this year. She is exploring beyond her birth beach now. Found her late in the day at a secluded beach resting.
Always good to keep updated on KP2s family... especially where there was a tough beginning. Good to see another healthy sibling!!
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