One of my “permanent resident” Sandy Beach posse reported a small animal arriving at the east end at 0818. Marilyn was out and around on Kawena duty so I called to advise her. When she arrived at Sandy Beach the animal was no longer there, but she spoke with a woman who had called the Hotline, and she gave a pretty definite description of Kawena. Marilyn and Sara began patrolling the area. At 0915 Marilyn called to advise that she had found Kawena (RH36) investigating the tide pools off shore of the rocks between Sandy Beach and Irma’s. She would remain in that area the rest of the day. Mahalos to Sara, Gayle, Colleen & of course, Marilyn.

Though I was at Makai Pier at 0830, it would be 1107 before what would prove to be Kala (RH76) hauled out to 1BS on Rabbit Island. Viewing conditions was horrible so I will spare you my shots.
At 0750 Team Billand reported a foraging animal off shore of CIP. No ID was possible.
At 0818 they reported Pohaku (RO28) at Paradise Cove. She would depart at 1345.

Barbara did the End of the World march once again. At the 20Min mark she found RW02, and at the 30Min she discovered RIP (RR70). At the point she found an U/U male with a partial, possible “W” tag.
A Diane T., text at 1705 reported PO5 just hauling out, alone, to the Keiki Pond, Turtle Bay.
Finding that Kawena had made it all the way to Sandy Beach on her new adventures was a pretty big highlight, but the biggy highlight for me came with a report from Barbara at Ka’ena Point of an animal at the runway, that she couldn’t quite ID. Analysis of her photos when she got back confirmed the Kerby (RW08) ID.

Many of you may well not have ever heard the name. Kerby is the son of Ewa Girl, born on Rabbit Island on 4-20-08. When Kolohe & Hoku were translocated to RI after weaning that year, Kerby thought 3s a crowd an took off on his grand adventure, initially to Ka’ena Point but then on to Kauai and short periods on Molokai. His last sighting on Oahu was on 7-1-14 when he got his N8 bleach at KP. Since then he has been mostly a Kauai kid, though is last sighting in my data came on 7-29-15 on Molokai. The boy looks like he has been around the block a few times, and is sporting some relatively fresh wounds, probably from his latest channel crossing. Welcome Home Kerby !!!
(I need to add my 2 cents... Kerby was the first pup I ever laid my eyes on.... even though it was through a scope I was thrilled beyond belief... So happy to hear this news ! )
In the Yesterday’s News department I found a couple of shots on Instagram. One was Nani (RK60) at Moku Nui, and the other Kaiwi (RK96) at the Elk’s Club, Waikiki.
Kawena making her way through the tide pools... with all that green there has to be some crawling things to eat.
Pohaku at paradise cove
Rip at 20 min beach
RW02 at 30 min beach
Star of the day.... who could it be???
KERBY !!!!!!!!!
Hope you decide to stay awhile
In fact why don't you make a visit to Rabbit Island and make DB's year!
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