At 0848 I found what would be an U/F just hauling out to Seal Rock Inlet, Rabbit Island. She would immediately move behind rocks and I never got a good enough look to be able to make a call. Sadie,Nani,Aukai&Cass are all sporting new coats and no good markers, so ????????

At 0723 Team Billand found an over nighted Rocky (RH58) still on the Ewa Beach side of the White Plains east perimeter fence. Chrissy advised that she was gone on her 1001 check.

At 1006 they reported Benny (RE74), also at Makua Cliffs but at a separated location. The Billands reported him gone at 1031.
Barbara once again did an End of the World trek from the west side. She found RW02 at the main pool at 1321.
UU and Seal on Moku Nui :-)
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