At 0805 I found Aukai (RL12) just starting down from the Morning Glory behind Seal Rock Inlet.

At 0943 Team Billand reported RL42, once again at Makua Cliffs.
At 1016 Barbara reported RW04 (RW02) at the 20 minute spot on the Waianae side KP trail. She continued on the Ka’ena Point, and found nobody at the point.

At 1444 the Billands got a call from White Plains about an animal there. When they arrived at 1547 they found Rocky (RH58) on the Ewa Beach side of the east end perimeter fence. Lifeguards had cordoned her off.
Marilyn called at 1622 to advise that she had just found Kolohe (RW22) at Lanai Lookout flats.
Aukai and RG32
peek a boo - Kawena
Kawena's impression of a Honu
Lanai Lookout
Now that's an SPZ - KIDDING - fencing at white plains
Pohaku and Ka'ena
ummm was it something I said?
1 comment:
Many MANY thanks to Deb for coming out to Yoks with Kaena and Pohaku. Dont know what we would do without YOU miss DEB.
Rob, thanks for putting up with my Kaena Pt Adventures...I just want to find the ARROW SEAL. But, I have never found it..My guess is, either the arrow fell off, or the seal went back to Kauai, or HEAVEN FORBID, DIED. Never saw a photo of what to look for, just on the news of a description of a CROSSBOW ARROW. Well, god keep that seal, who ever it is ALIVE AND WELL.
Shocked when Rob called to say he had Pohaku and a big male. Shocked to hear it was Kaena!!!! Man he is so big...he sure wanted MISS POHAKU. Pohaku dumped DA BENNY, or, Benny said, You can have her...and gently left Pohaku's side.
Three cheers to DEB..for being with Pohaku and Kaean from 12:40 to 6pm.
Three cheers to ROB for finding them and sitting with them from 11:30am.
I was so bummed NO SEALS AT KAENA PT again. JUST PEOPLE!!!!! One guy wanted to know, where is the heart shaped ROCK??? I never heard of that...I better GOOGLE IT. Its probably on LINE SOME WHERE...like everything else.
Kaena Pt used to be a place of solitude, hardly any humans..now, no matter what day you go out there...HUMANS ARE IN THE PONDS where the poor seals USUALLY GO. Poor seals, no place for them to just SLEEP anymore. I feel for them.
HI MARIE!!!! Get well...so nice to see you again. Sorry you missed the seals departing.
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