At 0809 I found an U/F, with 2 red tags & a new coat, at Rocky Right Beach, on Rabbit Island. By size I’d guess Cass, but ???????? That was it for my day.
At 1001 Team Billand called to advise that they had received a call about an animal at Iroquois Point. On arrival they confirmed the Rocky (RH58) ID.
At 1053 Barbara reported Nihoa (R912) at the 20Min mark on the Waianae side KP trail. Jessie advised that Nihoa had been vaccinated.
At 1145 Colleen called requesting a bit of ID assistance. She was at the Elk’s Club, in Waikiki with Kaiwi (RK96) and what would prove to be Kolohe (RW22).
Diane Gabriel sent Ka’ale (RH32) from her shift at Mokuleia today.
Evening mail from Karen Turner brought some excellent Ua Malie(RT10)&P05 shots.
MINE! all these rocks are mine!
Kaiwi and Kolohe afternoon at the Elks Club
HMMM wonder if this will be next year's Daddy
UF on Rabbit Island
RL42 and RW02
Ua Malie and PO5
My we have grown so fast
high tail !
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