At 0700 Don checked in with a report from Anissa at the Mokuleia pup site reporting campers within the SPZ border (see Anissa's report below).She reported BG (R303), Ka'ale (RH32) and an UM. ID of the UM was not confirmed. At 1109 a report came in about 2 seals hauled out at Yokohama Beach. Debbie responded ID Kaena (RO40) by N9 bleach and Pohaku (RO28) by tag O28. At 1603 Chrissy checked in with a report about Rocky (RH58) at White Plains Beach. At 1628 Barbara called in with the same report. ID for Rocky was made by natural bleach on left fore flipper and pit scar on right shoulder. At 1825 a report came in about a seal hauled out at Ewa Beach. The seal departed back into the water shortly after before and ID could be made.

Anissa checked in via email from Mokuleia. She arrived at Ka'ale's (RH32) site at 0738. She walked down the hill and found a camp site within the border of the birth beach SPZ. The camp packed up and departed shortly after. BG (R303) was hauled out 30 ft. just beyond the beach sand ledge and Ka'ale (RH32) and a large U/M was in the surf. A photographer came by and took photos. Another person came to the beach. He saw the seals and tried to get close until Anissa spoke to him. He departed shortly after. Ka'ale (RH32) and the UM had an interaction. Later Ka'ale swam away from the SPZ towards a fishermen but circled back around and approached the UM again. Ka'ale eventually hauled out between some rocks and went to sleep. The UM departed around 1145. Anissa departed at 1230. Ka'ale remained foraging in the rocks and playing with sticks and BG remained on the beach.

Carola and Howard spent the morning with Ua Maile (RT10) and PO5. Carola was able to get a good belly shot. She confirmed the sex of PO5. IT’S A GIRL! PO5 nursed on the rocks when they arrived 0730. PO5 was having a hard time staying latched while in the water. Mom and pup hauled out and nursed on the beach twice throughout the morning. The pup barked at mom often in between nursing. PO5 also nipped at mom a few times.
Marilyn checked in via email after her morning check at Alan Davis with a report of Kawena (RH36). She noted Kawena had a squinty eye on 8.13.16. She reported that Kawena's left eye appeared normal on her morning check. Although she was unable to get a photo showing both eyes.
PO5 and Ua Malie
Belly shot... we have another little GIRL!!!!
RH32 and U/M
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Great photos!!
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