At 0857 I found RG32 snoozin’ on the water front rocks at Seal Rock Inlet on Rabbit Island. At 1217 an U/U hauled out to join him, but immediately moved behind the water front rocks, and I was never able to get an ID. All I can state as fact is that the animal was of small to medium size, with a new coat & 2 red tags. Maybe tomorrow ???? (I’m thinkin’ Cass but ??????)
At 1318 I found Kolohe (RW22) for the 3rd straight day, on the Lanai Lookout flats.
Team Billand called at 0851 with the report of Pohaku (RO28) & Benny (RE74) together at Maili Beach Park. The notified HMMA.

White Plains lifeguards called the Billands at 1245 with the report of RI37, fronting the last cottage. She was gone by the time the Billands got there. Though the call came at 1245, Lifeguards said that she had been there since 0830.
Diane Gabriel did a shift a Mokuleia today, and sent Ka’ale (RH32) & RK36 shots. Last but certainly no least, Happy 5th Birthday to Kaiwi (RK96). She has gotten an early start on adulthood.
RG32 and UU
Kolohe blending in at Lanai Lookout
Pohaku and Benny
Benny needs to learn to just relax a little
But no..he's got to do his posturing
And Pohaku is not having it....
too bad so sad
Pohaku resing peacefully
Ka'ale in his favorite position
anything here?
guess not
RK36 and Ka'ale ... hanging out, having nothing to do with each other
who knows maybe Ka'ale will follow RK36 on an adventure
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