At 0740 a report came in about a seal hauled out in Hauula. Don responded and ID'ed Honey Girl (R5AY) by tag 5AZ. At 0853 a report came in about a seal at Depot Beach. Barbara ID'ed Pohaku (RO28). Melina responded. Gail checked in at 1211 with a report of Kawena (RH36) at Alan Davis east of the birth beach. Carola checked in at 1613 with a report of Ka'ale (RH32) hauled out on the beach near the Kaena Point parking area. At 1709 a report came in about a seal hauled out at Kapilina Beach. Shelley was able to confirm the sex of the seal as a female. Carola checked in again at 1814 with a report of RW02 at the Mokuleia birth beach. ID was made by W04 tag. Melina checked in via email.

Diane checked in via email. When Diane arrived at the Keiki Pool at Turtle Bay she found RH48 (PO5) hauled out on the Kahuku Point side. The water was brown from runoff from the golf course. It didn't seem to bother RH48 though. Diane observed a lot of foraging. Diane noted some coloring on the weaner's face. Instead of all white muzzle it is more splotchy, grey and white with a big dark patch on her chin. RH48 is a very active seal.
Carola arrived at the Kaena Point parking lot at 0415 and found Ka’ale (RH32). Carola provided outreach for many people in the area. Ka'ale departed around 1800. She later walked back to the birth beach and found RW02 sleeping. ID was made by tag WO4.
5AY Honey Girl
RH32 Ka'ale
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