At 0823 I found RG32 at Seal Rock Inlet. He would be joined by a 100% molted Cass (RG06) at 0932. I pretty darned sure that she was yesterday’s U/U that the day with RG32.
Donna sent a shot of an U/F at Moku Nui today. The tag was not readable in the shot so its an U/F.
Team Billand called at 0956 with the report of RL42 at Makua Cliffs.
At 1052 Barbara called reporting RIP (RR70) at the 20 minute mark on the Waianae side KP trail.

Since they were in the area they next went to the Mokuleia pup site when they found RK36 & BG. On the next beach to the right they found Ka’ale (RH32).
Received excellent news , via a Jessie text at 1743, advising that she had vaccinated Kaiwi (RK96) fronting one of the Gold Coast condos, near Kaimana Beach. Thanks Jessie !!!
RG32 and Cass
Ka'ena Point "zoo"
Barbara and Wilson
BG and RK36
1 comment:
In 1971, Rob and I did Kaena Pt from Mokuleia in our 66 Chevy Nova. It was an exciting trip for me, as I had never been out there. I cant even remember if we even saw a seal. I was scared as our car was over heating, it was hard getting over a spot where the road was washed out, but we made it thanks to another couple who was also trying to pass the same spot. We carried huge boulders made like a temporary bridge, so both cars could pass. I kept remembering how frightened I was if we couldnt pass that spot.
Well, after many years, I thought today, I am walking from Yoks to Mokuliea, to see how that place looks, AND TO FIND WHATEVER SEAL MAY BE OUT THERE.
At first, I kept going along the rocks...that was stupid, BUT, I found some really neat haul out spots which I have no idea, what the spots are.
Rob drove from Yoks out to Mokuliea...I was still walking when he called...ARE YOU OK?? I didnt get the message...but kept going.
I found a huge float, PLASTIC, I wanted to keep it. I walked down to get it..it was filled with water. I tried to empty it, but it wouldnt let the water out. I just kept going with it, water and all. I wanted that WILSON for a memory. That thing weighted a TON by time I made it to Mokuliea.
In the end, there were three seals found along the way, L42, Rip, and I found RW02 with a lady picking shells, a couple taking shots too. Thrilled I saw him, hadnt seen him in along time. Looks like he will molt soon. Dont know name of beach...sent a cell phone shot to DB. Later he said THAT WAS HIDDEN BEACH. YEAH...now i know where that is.
didnt think I had much more to go..I saw one seal sign, but hell I had more mileage than I anticipated.
Finally got Rob, who was nervous for me and if I was ok. I said..I am fine. I found three seals, and one float.
I cant believe all the fishermen out that way, in crazy spots I wouldn never think of finding TRUCKS out there. Wow.
Holy shit, this is crazy...my feet started to hurt, the wind was strong, but cool.
I see the birthing site FAR AWAY. I see Rob, WAITING FOR ME. I can do this, I have to do this. I got no choice NOW.
I went to the car with my WILSON (FLOAT). I drank a whole gator aide, more cold water. MORE WATER. But I hadnt seen Kaale. Rob said, I will take you there...good thing, I was ready to die. Short drive down, he let me out again. I was so excited...I wanted to find KAALE, after seeing those beautiful shots from Diane G.
Dam it, there are two seals, dont know who they are. Study, study, ah ha...seal moves flipper, see the tag..OH ITS K36.
The other is a female, OK SEE A COOKIE under belly...OH its, BG!!! I was hoping to talk to someone, as I didnt see, KAALE. I walk to right, go down a spot, see signs.
I keep staring, looking...DAM!!!! THERE HE IS..RH32!!!!! Oh he is so cute, so handsome. Snoozing his little heart away. I am over joyed...he is who I really wanted to see. YEAH...THANKS GOD.
Ok, Rob is waiting...got to leave...wow, what an adventure I will never forget. I finally saw all of Yoks to Mokuliea!!!!
Will I do this again????? NOPE, once is good enough. He He. I love the walk from Yoks better..more to see. I really dont know Mokuliea way...but....I did it!!!
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